Tag: relationship advice

Interesting Photo.

I was on a roller coaster in the middle of the ocean…

A few days ago, Hemal and I were walking on the beach with a good childhood friend of mine. As we approached the Santa Monica pier he turned to me and excitedly said “Let’s go on the roller coaster!” My first reaction was to say no but ... READ MORE

How letting the man pay really makes him feel

When you go out on a date, do you have problems letting the guy pay because it feels like you may then owe him something? Or When you need help with something in your life, maybe you don’t really ask friends and family because you ... READ MORE

Woman pulling in man by his tie

Will I Scare Him Off?

Happy belated V-Day! I love V-day because it is simply a day of love. That’s it. I don’t like all the pressure that comes with it, even for people in relationships. So instead of talking about how inadequate V-day can feel, I am going ... READ MORE

Wanting but not getting in life… Think again!

Today I want to inspire you to take full ownership for your life, and know you can begin creating exactly what you desire… We all have moments of total and utter frustration when what we want just doesn’t seem to be coming fast enough. ... READ MORE

The Soul-Stealing Shoulds

This week, I was reminded of the dreaded word “Should.” This word is loaded — it is intuition-zapping, obligation-creating, sucking-on-a-lemon-contracting, and soul-jarring. You might as well be hanging out in a mini pressure cooker. ... READ MORE

Send Out Your Love Flare (3 Magic Words)

The most common questions I get are: “Why am I attracting all of the wrong kind of guys? Why can’t I attract a man that I am equally attracted to, one who gives me butterflies when I am around him?” I then ask them, “do you trust men?” ... READ MORE

A Gift From An Airport Romance

I am writing this from the airport on my way back home to Cincinnati, Ohio, where my parents live and where I grew up. It’s amazing what kind of crazy airport experiences you can have when flying home during the holidays, and the ... READ MORE

The #1 Love Finding Question You Should Be Asking Yourself

I was asked the other day, “When it comes to finding the right man, what is the first mistake most women make when they are single and mingling?” Great question… right? I immediately answered it by saying that women don’t CHOOSE ... READ MORE

Are you all in, or playing Houdini?

In your current or past relationships, have you had the “one foot in one foot out” syndrome? This is a big one for all of the single ladies. Interestingly enough so many of us, even after we have committed to our man either ... READ MORE

#1 Way To Attract Your Ideal Man

Have you noticed the following dilemma: You will be out on a date, first or even second, with a guy and something in you knows you are not attracted to this man and all signs are pointing towards, he is simply not the “one”. However by ... READ MORE