Category: Communicating with men

Envelope and love letter

How to receive the love that’s all around you

If you haven’t read the book the The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, I strongly suggest it. It’s a must read. This book helps you identify your primary way of receiving love. The 5 love languages discussed in the book are gifts, ... READ MORE

Interesting Photo.

I was on a roller coaster in the middle of the ocean…

A few days ago, Hemal and I were walking on the beach with a good childhood friend of mine. As we approached the Santa Monica pier he turned to me and excitedly said “Let’s go on the roller coaster!” My first reaction was to say no but ... READ MORE

Are you forcing it when you know it isn’t right?

Every winter for the last three years, Hemal and I go out to LA for a few months to spend the winters here. We’ve just got settled into our place, and this week my brother came out to visit us. On the very first night, a group of us ... READ MORE

Shutdown to connection

6 steps to go from shut-down to connection

The other day, I was chatting with a close friend of mine about how the world would be such a different place to live if each of us focused on becoming more self-aware. By observing our thoughts and actions in a conscious way, ... READ MORE

3 steps to get through anxiety in love

I panicked when HE said this to me

My friend called me the other day because she was feeling a ton of anxiety around a guy she met while she was out in LA (she lives in NYC). For some quick background, they met on her trip through mutual friends and went out twice. She ... READ MORE

When you don’t feel good enough for the man you want

When you don’t feel good enough for the man you want

When you see a man you like…a man you might even feel is “out of your league” – does your mind start to list out all the ways you aren’t good enough? Oh, I’m not pretty enough for him. I’m too old – he’ll think I’m ... READ MORE

How to love without losing yourself

How to love without losing yourself

I discovered this week that I’ve been holding something back from you. I’ve been holding back telling you that my relationship with Hemal (my husband) is the kind of love you see in those cheesy romantic comedies. I want you to have an ... READ MORE

How an alien movie taught me a lesson in love

Are you making the wrong assumptions about him?

I wanted to write to you about understanding CONTEXT when interacting with men, so that you aren’t just jumping to conclusions that keep you from connecting with a man you like. A great example of this was in a Bollywood movie I ... READ MORE

Compatibility and Chemistry. Do you have to choose?

Compatibility vs. Chemistry. Do you have to choose?

On my Ask Me Anything call last week I had a women ask, “How can I tell my best friend that I want to be more than friends?” She explained that she wasn’t totally attracted to him, but wanted to see if there could be a love connection. ... READ MORE