Author: Kavita

Not good enough isn’t enough…what!?

Here’s a picture from Worthy From Within: Break Free & Claim Your Destiny. It was an amazing event. We had 30 smart savvy beautiful women in the room. I asked one woman at Worthy From Within, ”What is it that you want?” This was ... READ MORE

All possibilities are right there within you

When I was younger, I was spirited. I would frequently get into trouble at school for talking too much and for being too loud, and I distinctly remember getting mad every time I was told by a teacher I was “too “something. I felt ... READ MORE

you’ve heard it, but seriously… DREAM BIG

I’m on a plane to LA as I write this, and I just finished the movie La La Land. I’ve been wanting to watch it in the theater and yet haven’t made it. So, it shows up on the screen, and I was like YES! This movie is all about chasing ... READ MORE

Think this relationship is keeping you from finding love?

I met this man the other day while I was out hanging with friends. He introduced himself and then asked me what I did. “I’m a Love and Relationship coach,” I said. He then asked me if I was married. “Yes, in fact I will be ... READ MORE

buzz word “boundaries”

The word boundaries comes up a lot, especially when I am talking to someone about their parents. As you know if you’ve been following me for a while, this is my topic of choice, the parent topic (or those that raised you.) It’s #1 for ... READ MORE

Can we control how hurt we feel?

Last Summer, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. It wasn’t something I expected but when I saw the word pregnant on the test, I was elated. So happy in ways I absolutely didn’t expect. We hadn’t been really trying because ... READ MORE

Unblock your karmic path

When she was little and looked around her home, she immediately knew where to put the sofa, where the art pieces should be placed and what colors to paint the walls. She also loved painting on canvas. She was born with these natural ... READ MORE

You’re allowed to fall in love as many times as you want

My friend looked at me and asked, “Is it okay that I’m falling in love with him?” She was looking for permission to dive into a feeling that is so exhilarating and intoxicating. She was also terrified, giving herself permission to fall ... READ MORE