Category: Getting over an Ex

Woman feeling stressed over phone

When is it safe to call him?

This past weekend, my friend and thought-leader extraordinaire Meggan Watterson hosted her annual REVEAL event. I was super honored that she invited me to be a part of the day because I got to speak and share my story in a totally new ... READ MORE

What you need to know to make this your year for love

Happy New Year! I landed in LA this week, and I am living out here for the next two months (exchanging the cold for the sun this year – YAY!). During calls to my closest friends this week to catch up, the main sentiment is, “This year ... READ MORE

How I got Hemal back

Many of you have heard my story with Hemal, and how he broke up with me after dating for 4 years. And many of you have written me and asked “Kavita, how did you get him back?” About a year after breaking up, Hemal wanted to take me out ... READ MORE