Category: love

She inspired me with her courage

This is what one of my closest friends texted me and it hit me right in my heart. As I said in the text, there were immediate tears. Now, today’s post is a little different than most. Today I am talking about the most influential ... READ MORE

I wish I had known this years and years ago

A couple of week’s back I spoke at a fellow love coaches event where I was asked to tell my own relationship story. I shared about the big breakthrough that happened right before Hemal and I were close to calling it quits and how the ... READ MORE

What if you couldn’t hurt him

Just the other day I went out with my niece. She is single and looking for love, and she said something I hear so many women say: “It’s really hard for me to tell a guy that I’m NOT interested, or that I don’t see a future, because I ... READ MORE

Talking to my guy friend

Even men go through what you’re going through in love The other day me and a close friend that I grew up with were hanging out. He is still single and looking for the “one”. We will call my friend, Niraj, to give him some ... READ MORE

Conscious Parenting with Dr. Shefali Tsabary

About a year ago now, I watched Oprah interview a woman named Dr. Shefali Tsabary on a book she wrote called, The Conscious Parent. Oprah said, in her 25 years of interviewing, she had never heard such revolutionary, spot-on advice ... READ MORE

Can you see a person in their divinity?

Last week, I was in Cincinnati spending some time with my family for a holy holiday for us. On that day we spent 3 hours meditating and asking for forgiveness for all of the souls (humans, animals, insects, plants) that we may have ... READ MORE

actions DON’T speak louder than words

Hurt because he’s pulling away? Try this…

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I don’t want him to hate me”? Well, the other day I left a party feeling totally self conscious and worried that I had pissed off not only my friends that had hosted the dinner party, but also a man ... READ MORE

Have a lot of love to give but men aren’t ready?

Do you feel like you are a woman with an amazing capacity to love? When you find someone that you feel a connection with are you ready to be ALL in? But you can’t seem to find a man who will step up and be all in with you. Then watch ... READ MORE

“I’m great at falling in love, but horrible at picking”

The other day I ran into a friend on the street, it was such a pleasant surprise. He was with a friend of his. My friend introduces me, “Kavita is a coach for love.” The friend said “nice to meet you”, pauses and then says, “I’m great ... READ MORE

The trick to staying open in relationships

The other day, I was sitting across the table from my good friend Kate. She’s the type of friend that if you call her or text her, 9 times out of 10 she picks up or texts back immediately. I can always count on Kate. Even her “Hi, how ... READ MORE