Video 3 | The Most Healing Conversation Of Your Life

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Want Soul Level Love>

Then…Continuing to
Date Won’t Work

A Heartfelt Personal Message From Kavita

Have you been saying to yourself…“I’m going to just keep dating and my love life should get better?”

Then, let me tell you a quick story…

I was talking to a potential client the other day, and her last significant relationship had been several years ago.

It ended because she didn’t feel like she was a priority.

After months and months of second-guessing herself, wondering if she expected too much, and hoping that one day she would wake up and he would be different, she got to a breaking point and had no other choice but to end things.

Although she was the one to break things off, it was heartbreaking for her to let him go. She had fallen for him, and so in the back of her mind there was a little voice saying, “Is there something wrong with me?”

As a way to not have to feel that kind of heartbreak again, she came up with “rules” to protect herself from making the same mistake again.

This is something everyone does, often unknowingly, as a way to solve the hurt they felt.

Rules like…

  • “I’m not going to date a man that’s really into his work.”
  • “I’m not going to date someone that
    seems to have a lot on their plate (ex. kids, ex wives).”
  • “I want a man that respects me and treats me like a queen.”

Have you ever made up rules like this after a hard break up? I know I have.

It’s natural when you don’t know what else to do.

And it seems logical, but these rules won’t protect you from making the same mistakes.

She believed these rules were going to “save” her from heartache.

So, she said to me, “I don’t think I need to really do anything different. I think with some time and continuing to date, things will work out.”

I said, “To be honest, contrary to popular belief, time doesn’t heal.

It’s just that the pain isn’t as fresh, so the intensity subsides but nothing was healed.

The “rules” you’ve created as a way never to feel that disappointment again is pain from the past that is being carried into present situations with men.

They blindfold you from really knowing if a guy is right for you, and setting you up to choose a man that will once again not prioritize you.”

Here’s what I mean.

And you’ve probably experienced this too.

Have you dated someone where things were hot and heavy at the beginning and things progressed quickly, and then suddenly they just fizzled out? Well, the mind then creates a rule, “Next time take it slow” as a solution to the heartbreak.

Then you date someone and you say, “I just want to take it slow.” “Let’s just be friends first.” But then the relationship doesn’t leave that stage somehow, and slowly ends.

The reason these “rules” don’t work is because of her Karmic Patterns.

Here’s what the potential client doesn’t know is actually happening, and why saying, “It will just get better” is keeping her in a state of DELUSION…

The fact that she wasn’t prioritized by a man she fell in love with is a BIG sign of a Karmic Pattern that has been with her for years, since her childhood.

When I asked her, “Do you see a pattern?” She said, “No, this was just a one off situation.”

There’s always a pattern.

Then I asked her if she usually ends most of her relationships and she said, “Yes”.

There’s the pattern.

That showed me that it was hard for her to let anyone close enough to make her a priority.

So, subconsciously it was easier for her to be in relationships where she didn’t feel invested, or where he wasn’t totally invested in her, so that she never had to be “too” attached and risk getting hurt.

This was a part of her Karmic Pattern and she couldn’t see it. And it had nothing to do with this last relationship; this pattern she had been carrying around since childhood.

Everyone has Karmic Patterns, no matter your background, race, culture, or age. No matter how fantastic your upbringing or how bad.

If you’ve been with men that are emotionally unavailable, that pull away right when you start to show interest, men that love bomb, men that have betrayed you, men that want to take things slow but never totally choose you,

…and men that keep you hanging on for the little bit that they give…

Then your specific Karmic Patterns are unknowingly holding you back from Soul Level Love too.

Setting you up to repeat past mistakes without you even knowing it.

In fact, these Karmic Patterns have been keeping her from even seeing the men that are at her level.

Men that are emotionally available, secure, and want to fully choose her.

This is the case for you too.

Not necessarily that this is your Karmic Pattern, but that your specific pattern is holding you back right now too.

When you uncover and release your specific Karmic Patterns, you’ll embody a whole new way of being…

…vibrating differently, calling in a whole new caliber of man that’s excited to fully choose you.

And allowing you to RECEIVE that level of love and understanding without unknowingly sabotaging it.

Like I said, we all have Karmic Patterns.

We all have them and until you uncover them and release them, they keep you settling in love.

Most people have gotten married, had kids, and then realized, “Oh my god, I settled”.

Until these Karmic Patterns are released, she will keep attracting men that don’t make her a priority or fully choose her for exactly who she is.

Remember this process can NOT be done by yourself.

Kavita holding palms

It’s something you can’t even see right now.

That’s why journaling, meditating, inner child work, or therapy cannot shift your Karmic Patterns completely.

The entire Karmic Love Process is laid out step by step within Soul Level Love, supporting you in uncovering and releasing your specific Karmic Patterns…

…so you can break these patterns for good, and attract an extraordinary man at your level.

There are specific questions that we ask to help you access different memories and interpretations that you didn’t even know you made when you were younger.

We hold your hand in not only uncovering your specific Karmic Patterns, but give you the step- by-step for you to have the Healing Conversations to release them too.

After releasing these patterns, a whole new level of confidence rises up inside of you because you’re free from the fear of making the same mistakes.

You no longer have to be on “alert” looking for red flags to ensure you are protected, creating so much RELIEF, and trust within yourself.

Your heart opens up in a way you’ve never experienced, making way for presence and true meaningful connection.

You’ll know how to choose a man that can hold all of you, who’s at your level.

Without having to date more, act like someone you’re not, or dumb down your success.

We are so excited to be on this journey with you.

It’s Your Turn To Have Soul Level Love

When these Karmic Patterns are released, there’s a whole new world of dating and men that opens up.

It’s truly a world that you haven’t experienced before, because these Karmic Patterns have limited what you're capable of receiving up until now.

I know, without a doubt, after doing this work with thousands of high-achieving, smart women for more than a decade…

…that when these Karmic Patterns are released you WILL call in a man that’s secure, healthy, emotionally available, conscious, where you’re vibing on every level.

Where you can’t keep your hands off of one another.

A man that can hold all of you emotionally, and vibes with you intellectually.

A cosmic connection.

But most importantly where he fully chooses and accepts you for everything you are.

Success Stories from Soul Level Love


"If I could have this huge transformation in 12 weeks and then shortly after find the love of my life that fits me inside and out, know that it's really possible. You can get there too."


"The kind of work that she does, no one else is doing. She has the ability to see your blind spots that you have about yourself, about your life, and about love."

Jen and her husband Scott


"I did so much other work and working with Kavita and team is by far the best investment I’ve ever made."


"I'm in a passionate, committed relationship and I feel completely happy, satisfied and fulfilled."

They are engaged now!


"Now that I trust myself completely, I’ve stopped choosing the wrong men, and found my perfect match."

They have moved in together!


"Doing this work has been the most important work of my life. It is the most important thing I've ever done for myself. Kavita is in the top 3 in terms of people that have left an impact on me."

Rebecca's Wedding


"The results that I’ve seen after working with Kavita have been mind blowing. I’m not the same person by miles and leaps and bounds. She guided me to that place that I wanted to be almost effortlessly. I felt so supported. I’m experiencing much deeper connections with men now than I’ve ever had before."

Kara, Her Husband Noah and their Son


"Kavita has helped me with so much more than just finding love. It's honestly the best thing I have ever done investment wise in my life."

Pooja's Engagement

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DM me (Kavita) your #1 love question? Those that DM me always get the most out of the videos and receive a love breakthrough. I can’t wait to connect with you!

I Had To Release My Karmic Patterns Too

Here’s my own personal story of how I went from walls around my heart sabotaging love, to releasing my Karmic Patterns, to keeping my Soul Level Love.

Hemal and I dated for 4 years. I was convinced he was going to propose.

Days before going on vacation together over the holidays, he calls me and says, “I think we should take a break. I haven’t been happy for months.”

I was blindsided to say the least. This led to a complete state of shock and denial for months.

I even showed up at his doorstep one day unannounced after he had come back from a trip. He opened the door, saw me, and with disdain and disgust said, “Why are you here?”

That’s when it hit me. This is done.

He no longer loves me like he once did.

It was a hard pill to swallow, and yet once I did, I felt alive again for the first time since the break up.

I started dating. Hemal and I barely stayed in touch.

But I knew I still loved him, and I knew he wasn’t showing any signs of coming back.

Fast forward to a year and half later, he started to sense that I was moving on and that instigated him to reach out and share that he actually did want to be with me, but that he needed the break to figure himself out.

I thought we had worked through the mistrust and problems we had the first time. ;Truth was we hadn’t worked through anything.

We did what most people do, “It will just get better. Things will figure themselves out with time.”

This is how most people think about their love lives.

That with time, things will get better and the truth is it almost never does.

Things don’t really improve in your love life until you release these Karmic Patterns. I had to realize that the hard way.

Let me tell you more.

We got engaged shortly after and then married.

Two years into the marriage, we were really unhappy. I was feeling really alone within the relationship and completely misunderstood.

Deep down I knew he was the one, but something was blocking me from feeling the love.

I knew I had to figure out what was happening because this was just a repeat of what we went through when we first broke up.

Our #1 problem was that Hemal ate meat and I was vegetarian. Now obviously that seems like no big deal, but for me, it was one of my biggest triggers.

Now, don’t tune out on me here just because this story, on the surface, doesn’t seem relatable to you. You could equate this problem to any clash a couple has in beliefs…

From a clash in where to live together, to a clash of how to raise kids, or a clash in being adventurous versus being a homebody, a clash in how to spend money.

There are always clashes in relationships because we often attract the opposite.

When we would go out and he would eat a piece of fish, I would lose it.

Literally in my mind I was thinking. He doesn’t love me, he doesn’t care for me or respect me. Why am I with a man like this?

I would spin in my head, questioning him and myself, for hours, sometimes even days.

Ever felt triggered in a relationship and immediately shut down?

Then I would pick a fight. We would fight, ignore one another, and then sort of make up until the next episode.

Here’s what was happening inside of that trigger for me; this is where the Karmic Pattern comes in.

I watched my parents argue a lot when I was younger. They're still together to this day and they do truly love one another, but I could not see that when I was younger.

I would often say, “They should get a divorce but they won’t because of us kids,” however the one place that they seemed to truly get along and be on the same page was culture and religion.

So, I created an unconscious rule long ago, through observing my parents, which was…

…as long as I’m on the same page culturally and religiously with my partner then we can make anything work.

Because I grew up Jain (my religion), and the main tenant is non-violence, being vegetarian was a part of that, that’s why it was so triggering because that meant we weren’t on the same page religiously.

Hence feeling so triggered, but not knowing why.

This “rule” was my way of protecting myself from the pain I saw between my parents, and the pain I felt from their interactions.

I had no idea this “rule” was keeping me from really opening my heart to Hemal.

And even though I had met Hemal before clearing these patterns, these Karmic Patterns were having me repeat past mistakes, even after losing him once.

Without addressing my Karmic Patterns our relationship would not have survived.

Each person’s path in love shows up differently, whether you’ve been single for years, divorced, or just got out of a relationship, what’s keeping you stuck in this part of your life are your Karmic Patterns.

You have an opportunity right now to no longer stay stuck.

And if you don’t address your Karmic Patterns now, there’s a very high percentage that you’ll settle or get blindsided later, without even knowing it.

Once I had gotten to the ROOT of why I was so triggered by Hemal eating meat, I needed to release this for myself.

In order to heal my own love life, I had to use the same exact process I used for hundreds of my clients. I had to walk myself through my own signature Karmic Love Process to release this for good.

I had one Healing Conversation with my Mom where I asked her, “What was your and Dad’s love story when you met?” Simple question, right?

My parents were arranged, meaning they didn’t date. They met through their families and quickly got married.

I had never really asked my mom this question because I thought they just hated one another.

She shared with me love letters that they would write to one another when my Dad lived in Chicago, and my Mom lived in Cincinnati.

Something emotionally shifted inside of me (not my head but in my heart), by reading those letters.

I could no longer believe they didn’t love one another.

My walls of protection crumbled. My heart cracked open.

After that, I had the most vulnerable conversation with Hemal about how I was terrified that we wouldn’t “make” it.

This was the first time in the 8 years of knowing him that I had really gotten that vulnerable. And I’m a pretty open person.

That’s how deeply embedded this was.

By releasing this Karmic Pattern, my energy completely shifted with Hemal, and the truth is it saved our marriage.

I went from…

Oscillating between deeply questioning myself on whether this person was right for me to blaming myself for being crazy because he’s such a great guy.

To picking fights daily.

Being overly critical of him.

That all led to me feeling lonelier in the marriage than I had ever felt being single.


Experiencing a new level of intimacy with him, where we felt like a team for the first time.

Having more sex.

Looking at him, lovingly, thinking to myself, “I’m so grateful for him.”

If I hadn’t done this work I wouldn’t now be in a relationship with this extraordinary man, who lives to make my dreams come true, who is the trampoline from which I achieve even more for us both.

And I wouldn’t have my son.

That’s the whole new world that becomes available.

This whole new world is available to you too.

Soul Level Love Is A High Touch Experience

It’s a 12-week course that lays out the step-by-step Karmic Love Process that will support you from unknowingly settling in this part of your life, to finding and keeping Soul Level Love. It’s outlined just like a recipe, but a recipe that is customized to you, and your experiences in life.

12 Weeks of Video Teachings Including Exercises

Content that will help you uncover your Karmic Patterns and show you exactly how to release them. Withins days, these teachings will help you answer questions like, why you’ve been single and stuck for so long or what’s been having you attract emotionally unavailable men.

You’ll learn exactly what you need to do to break these cycles for good.

**Remember until you release the Karmic Patterns, you will continue to attract the wrong men, men that don’t fully choose you, men that make you feel like too much or not enough.

Even if you keep dating, you won’t move past these Karmic Patterns. We need to break these patterns to open up a whole new world of quality men to you.

12 Group Q&A Coaching Calls

On these weekly calls, you will be coached one-on-one in a small group of like-minded women. Each week, you will receive “Lovework” or action steps that support you in healing your specific Karmic Patterns at the root.

Plus, you get to hear other women being coached, unlocking lots of your own unconscious rules around love, which can take years to discover when you’re not in such a trusting container.

4 Private Calls with Your Transformation Coach

Every three weeks, you will spend a full session diving deeper with your coach in a one-on-one setting designed to make sure you’re making progress in releasing these Karmic Patterns, and to check in on the results you’re seeing in your love life because of those releases.

These calls give us a pulse on how the inner work is coming through in your life. That is our way of measuring this process, when you see tangible results in life coming through.

Private Facebook Group

Full unlimited access to share, ask questions, and gain insight from Kavita and our Soul Level Love Coaches in this private group.

Voice Messaging Access

Each week, you can continue to share what’s arising for you with your Coach, ask questions and gain understanding on the action steps to heal your karmic patterns for good. So, you don’t have to wait for the Q&A Coaching Calls, to get coached.

We have a specific technology for you to talk out situations, for those that process better that way.

Community of Like-Minded Women

This high-achieving, self-aware group of understanding women will help you feel connected to others who are also doing the courageous work of healing their ancestral Karmic Patterns, giving you a sense of unconditional support and encouragement.

We love to provide a ton of support, because nothing in love is black and white, and that’s what’s needed to truly break through.

Here’s What You’ll Discover In Soul Level Love


You will uncover your specific fears around having Soul Level Love come into your life with ease. Generally, some are afraid of failure, others are afraid of success, but there are deeper reasons for these fears that we will unearth for you. We’ll show you how to overcome so they no longer block true love from walking into your life.


You will dive into relationships from the past, and pinpoint exactly what you’re still attached to from those relationships.

We clear away the pain and hurt from the past that you’ve been carrying around like baggage into present dating situations, so you can feel excited and renewed.

Or if you’ve been wondering how to get back an Ex, we get you clear on that too so you can finally get back together, or move on for good.


You will walk through several exercises that help you pull out of your subconscious the rules you created about love, about men, and about commitment.

Once you’ve uncovered these rules, with our support, we will help you pinpoint where these rules originated in your childhood with your family and those that raised you. Getting to the ROOT helps us then release these Karmic Patterns.


If you’ve felt you're “not good enough” or “too much” come up when it comes to finding true love, this is where we support you in discovering why.

What specifically in your childhood is connected to these feelings so we can help you release them. This process builds your confidence and empowers you to own who you fully are around men.


Together we will create the exact script you need to release the Karmic Patterns that were uncovered. We will role play with you, to ensure that your energy is in the right place for the conversation, in the daughter space.

All of this will set you up to have a Healing Conversation with your mom, dad, siblings, or other family members, and truly break these patterns for good.

Week 9 & 10 - TRUST & INTUITION

Your Karmic Patterns, literally, keep you in the dark. They can keep you from hearing your intuition, taking action in accordance with it, or trusting your choices.

You will release your Karmic Patterns specific to trust and intuition. You will be able to act on your intuition and even trust quick judgments you make about men and your connection with them. You’ll quickly be able to filter out the wrong men, making space for your perfect match. No more wasting time and energy on the wrong ones.


If you’re ready to date, we’ll identify any resistance to dating so that you are putting yourself out there with authentic joy and excitement. If you’ve been dating for awhile, we’ll decode any triggers that have come up in the process, so you lead with an open heart, calling in men that are your equals.

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DM me (Kavita) your #1 love question? Those that DM me always get the most out of the videos and receive a love breakthrough. I can’t wait to connect with you!


Why can’t I have this healing conversation on my own?

For the conversations to be healing, the conversation needs to come from a completely new energy. This energy is sitting inside of you already; we just need to unleash it.

Most conversations you have in your life with anyone, especially ones that feel vulnerable with loved ones, are often coming from an energy of trying to get them to understand you or trying to change them.

Most people argue with me over this, but when we break it down, they realize, “Wow I had no idea!”

The conversations are coming from a “prove to me I’m right” or “fix the other person” energy. This is leading more with the ego, which often gets us results like people getting defensive, dismissive, ignoring, or even lashing out on us.

I get that with our parents, those that raised us or family members, sharing and opening up feels super tender because we’ve been hurt so much by their lack of emotional intelligence or self-awareness.

That’s exactly why you can’t just have these Healing Conversations on your own; there are too many triggers.

Think about the conversations we’ve tried to have?

Maybe in your love life you tried to bring up something to a guy you like, or you had a fight with your boyfriend, or tried to bring up stuff with your parents, we usually say the wrong things when we are triggered.

It then turns into fighting more, offending the other person, or we feel offended. Often resulting in a lot of guilt, anger, or upset.

What we teach in Soul Level Love, sets you up to have a conversation from a completely different energy.

We help you access an energy, that I call daughter space, that helps you transcend the ego, accessing a love that has your parents or family members respond in a positive way that you NEVER expected.

Remember, these conversations aren’t about your parents being any different. We don't have any control over that, and we don’t need that for these conversations to be healing and freeing for you.

And, you will ABSOLUTELY have support on exactly what to say and how to phrase things with your parents because every situation is unique, that is why we have so much one-on-one support throughout the program.

The best part is once you know how to have one Healing Conversation, you have the templates to know exactly how to keep having Healing Conversations in your life.

Why do I have to have Healing Conversations?

**Reminder, without these Healing Conversations your Karmic Patterns cannot be released, keeping you in a cycle of unknowingly settling for the wrong men. Without having these Healing Conversations it is really hard to release these Karmic Patterns.

You might be thinking, “Can’t I just journal, visualize, meditate my way out of these Karmic Patterns?”

You’re probably feeling that way because these conversations “seem” scary and uncomfortable.

Maybe you’re someone that’s conflict averse or an introvert or just private. Well, here’s the thing, relationships are built, connected, and sustained through communication.

If you have a lot of fear and anxiety with opening up, this is precisely why Soul Level Love is essential to your growth and in getting unstuck in this part of your life.

Knowing what, why, and how to communicate EMPOWERS you to navigate dating, men, and relationships. There’s a confidence that gets embodied, allowing you to be self-expressed and ask for what you need and want.

We have to go to the source, where these Karmic Patterns originated, and actually re-pattern the brain, specifically the subconscious, so that your protection mechanisms easily fall away.

This will help you open your heart, speeding up the process of having your Soul Level Love walk into your life.

I like to say, “What’s more scary than having these conversations with your parents or family members? Not having them because then you’re stuck in these Karmic Patterns that hold you back and keep you stuck from experiencing love and life to its fullest”.

I talk a lot about this in Video 3 and Video 4. If you haven’t watched them make sure to do that now.

I don’t feel comfortable sharing personal stuff in a group.

That’s exactly why this is essential for your growth. To stop looking for safety outside of you to feel comfortable to express yourself, is something I watch even the boldest of women struggle with in dating and relationships.

They are confident in their work but when it comes to men and relationships, things are messy and confidence seems to fall away.

That’s because the same skills that got you ahead in your career, can actually hold you back in love.

When you start to feel the safety within you, to be vulnerable with whomever you choose (that’s what Soul Level Love helps you do), you can open up and not fear judgment, that’s when you know if you’ve chosen the right man for you.

So this process is essential to your growth.

That’s why women say to us that they’ve seen more results in their love lives in 3 weeks than in 10 years of therapy. We create a tight container, a safe space for everyone to share openly and vulnerably.When people do that, there’s a huge transformation just by that small, but big, act.

How small is the group?

The group size can be anywhere between 20 - 40 women.

I lost one or both of my parents. Will this still work for me?

You can still do Soul Level Love, you just have to have one or more family members who you can talk to about your childhood. If you have access to aunts, uncles, grandparents, stepparents, or siblings, that’s all you need to release the Karmic Patterns we uncover for you.

Kavita, you don’t know my parents. They are impossible,

We will show you that whatever situation you have with your mom or dad, or those that raised you, we have conquered it all.

You might feel…

My dad is completely unavailable emotionally.

My mom is a narcissist.

I’ve never really talked to my parents about anything on a personal level.

They just get defensive and blame me for everything.

I haven’t talked to my dad in 10 years.

No matter what your situation, we have dealt with it. Literally, anything and everything under the sun.

There’s no parent situation we haven’t been able to support someone through.

Because it’s not about them, it’s about releasing something for you.

On the flip side you might be thinking…

My parents did a great job; they have a beautiful relationship.

I’m close to my parents.

Do I really need to have a healing conversation if my relationship is great with my parents?

The answer is YES.

Because you have translated A LOT around what love and safety look like through them, which has created unconscious rules too. No one is free until we uncover and release these Karmic Patterns.

“I’m not good enough” or “I’m too much” isn’t the issue

If you’ve done therapy, read books, listened to podcasts or done other courses, you’ve most likely discovered that there’s a part of you that, with men or within relationships, feels like “you’re not good enough.”

What most people don’t know is that this belief is actually a part of a Karmic Pattern. It was created a long time ago, not just from the first or last love that broke your heart.

This was instilled during your childhood, setting into motion the kinds of men you’ve chosen along the way, and how much they show up for you.

Remember, Karmic Patterns are the LIMIT to what you can receive in your love life right now, until they are released.

In Soul Level Love you’ll discover that this is still the tip of the iceberg. There are specific experiences from your childhood that have this bubbling up to the surface in specific situations, sabotaging love without you even knowing it.

In Soul Level Love we support you in uncovering these childhood memories, even if you don’t remember a lot, and help you have Healing Conversations with those that raised you. So, these feelings of “not being good enough” and for some “being too much” no longer are in the driver’s seat of your love life.

And when these “not good enough” or “too much” feelings are released, what you’re capable of receiving expands exponentially, without having to be more “feminine,” but by actually being more of your authentic self.

Why matchmaking isn’t enough?

Simply put, dating more people with your current Karmic Patterns only makes you attracted to the same kinds of men you've dated or even married in the past.

Having a checklist of values and criterias for what you want in your ideal man, and then having a matchmaker find someone that fits that list, only works AFTER you’ve uncovered and released your Karmic Patterns. The lists alone do nothing. You will unknowingly still choose men that ultimately can’t show up for you.

Remember, things are always good in the beginning. Always. But throw in years, kids (if you choose that), and then you see someone's true colors.

But in Soul Level Love, through the Karmic Love Process you open up to a whole new quality and connection with men.

Why should I spend money on this? Why not a therapist?

So many clients have said to me, “I’ve seen more results in just 3 weeks of SLL than what I received from 10 years of therapy.”

Therapy can be great in becoming aware of your patterns. They can show you how your childhood played a role in why you feel a specific way, or why you’ve felt stuck, or anxious.

They can give you hacks and tools, but most people that have done therapy for years, still have the exact same life. Nothing has really changed.

They are still triggered by the same things, and because of therapy, they can tell you WHY they are having the reaction they are, but they are still triggered and have no clue how to actually change it.

That’s because a lot of therapists are not trained in relationships specifically. A lot of therapists don’t even know what Karmic Patterns are, how to uncover them, let alone how to release them.

But one thing I know for sure, this is a die on the sword statement, is that without identifying and moving through your specific Karmic Patterns, your capacity for love is LIMITED. Your capacity for intimacy is LIMITED. Your evolution/growth is LIMITED.

It’s essential to go through the Karmic Love Process to truly transform how you connect with men and how to keep love, when it’s right.

We (your coach and I) want you to have results, and we hold the intentions for what you want in love through the entire program.

This isn’t a situation where you come in for a session, and address the problem at hand. We are thinking of you even when we aren’t talking with you, strategizing on how to get you the results you signed up for.

We are invested.

What if I don’t find my Soul Level Love while in the program?

Many women find love within the program. Many women find love shortly after the program. Remember, what you learn in Soul Level Love is not just about finding a man, it’s giving you the tools to keep that relationship healthy for the rest of your life.

No matter what, when you release your Karmic Patterns, you’re infinitely closer to finding that love. If you join this program, you will put yourself on that path. You cannot meet this person until the Karmic Patterns are released, that's why nothing you’ve done this far has worked.

So, picture 6 months from now, if you do nothing, you’re still dating within your Karmic Patterns. You’re still attracting in emotionally unavailable men, even if you date like a crazy person 6 months straight. Without clearing the Karmic Patterns, you’re still in the same place, and the quality of men stays the same too.


If you’ve cleared your Karmic Patterns, now the path is clear and the man that is at your level, that can hold all of you, cherish you, can come in; you are so much farther ahead.

So, what I can promise you is…

I don’t have a crystal ball; I can’t predict when you’re going to meet your person…

But what I can promise you is when you clear your Karmic Patterns, it clears the way so your perfect match can find you, not to mention giving you the skills to make it last.

Because when you understand how to identify your triggers, and Karmic Patterns, and understand how to have these Healing Conversations, nothing can unconsciously ruin your relationship. You are now equipped with the tools to have a healthy relationship long term.

You don’t just want to find someone as quick as possible, you want to find the RIGHT one for you. Without clearing these Karmic Patterns, you won’t be able to see this person.

So, the question is…

How long do you want to keep dating within your Karmic Patterns? How long do you want to keep dating the same men over and over again? How long do you want to stay in the same cycle over and over again? How long do you want to start dating, get excited, feel disappointed, then take a break, and come back to the same place over and over again?

Are you tired of being in the same place? If you are, then Soul Level Love will help you transform.

Again, we can’t predict when you will meet him. I’m not a psychic and often they can’t either. But I do know and believe, 100%, that clearing your Karmic Patterns will call in a love that makes you feel like the luckiest woman alive.

Will this work for me? I’ve tried a lot.

I understand. When you’ve tried it all and you don’t have this extraordinary relationship to show for it, it can feel like you’ve failed, or like you’re broken, or something is really wrong with you.

Well, I’m here to tell you, you’re not broken. You haven’t failed. Trust me.

Here’s the thing, if you find yourself saying to yourself, “I feel so behind” or “I feel like I’m missing something” or “I’ve failed,” these thoughts are actually symptoms of Karmic Patterns.

So, YES, there’s been a Karmic Pattern most likely keeping you from even seeing the results from the other work you’ve been doing.

Because I know, it’s not like the sessions, retreats, and courses haven’t worked. No matter what you did, I’m sure you learned something from it.

But, when you haven’t truly released your Karmic Patterns, you continue to feel stuck. Here’s what I mean. Imagine a sunflower trying to grow in the desert. It’s not supported to grow there.

The ecosystem isn’t made for it to prosper and bloom. But if we surrounded that sunflower with a greenhouse, irrigation, rich soil, and other plants, would it bloom and grow? Absolutely.

That’s how I want you to think about what’s been happening for you. You simply didn’t have the proper ecosystem to fully integrate the other work, so you could feel successful in your love life.

But uncovering and releasing these Karmic Patterns literally creates the greenhouse, water, and soil that you need to BLOOM. In fact, it will help you even reap the benefits of all the other work you’ve been doing too.

Releasing these Karmic Patterns will open the doors to a healthy, secure, loving man to walk through the door. Who’s encouraging of your dreams and success and fully chooses you for exactly who you are.

Does everyone have Karmic Patterns?

If you’ve been single for years, divorced for years, or just gotten out of a relationship, no matter where you are in your love life, you have Karmic Patterns.

You could’ve had an amazing childhood or the worst, it doesn’t matter, you still have Karmic Patterns.

To be honest you were born with Karmic Patterns, some are ancestral and passed down, and some were unconsciously translated in childhood. We just need to pinpoint a few of your Karmic Patterns and heal them, to completely alter how you show up in love, and the quality of men that show up too.

Looking at your Karmic Patterns and releasing them, is breaking generational trauma, it alters what your children take on (whether you have them now or not), it alters how you see your own worth, and how you relate to everyone and everything around you. It’s powerful work.

DM me (Kavita) your #1 love question? Those that DM me always get the most out of the videos and receive a love breakthrough. I can’t wait to connect with you!

Success Stories from Soul Level Love


"'I'm engaged and none of it—the intimacy we’ve built, the transparency, the trust—would have been possible without the tools you taught me and insights you instilled. I will always be grateful for our experience together and the work you encouraged I do for myself has irrevocably changed my life. You helped me open my heart up to love and now my heart is filled with the love of the most wonderful man I’ve ever met."


"Thank you for all that you did to open me up to the love that was just waiting for me. Your guidance really helped me get past a lot of baggage that was holding me down. Martin and I are now engaged to be married. He was already in my world and I just couldn't see it, and now I'm in the relationship of my dreams."


"Before I met Kavita I was lonely and totally exhausted with dating. It wasn’t fun anymore, yet I really wanted to be in a relationship. Working with Kavita helped me to connect on a deeper level with friends and family around me, which had me feel less alone. So when I met Neerav, I was able to be way more present with him than I had with any other man. A month later we were exclusive, and 14 months later we were engaged!"

...I've had the courage to date again & not hang on to the wrong people....

...I broke patterns I could see but didn't know what to do about.....

...I have been able to accept my relationship ending & feel free......

...The despair I used to feel around being single is gone........

...I've seen a transformation in all of my relationships because of SLL........

...My life was fine before. But now it's AMAZING.........

...Soul Level Love has been the best experience of my life.........

...I opened up communication with my mom, who I haven't talked to in years..........

...I'd tried everything. Soul Level Love helped clear my obstacles to love...........

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DM me (Kavita) your #1 love question? Those that DM me always get the most out of the videos and receive a love breakthrough. I can’t wait to connect with you!

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